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The Tower of Babel: The Effects of the Post Flood Rebellion

The biblical myth does not only explain the genesis of language barriers but ties African and American history to biblical events to understand the inception of multiple cultures and ethnic backgrounds.

On April 19, 2019, in the sanctuary of Sacred Heart Cultural Center of Augusta, GA., Print Barnes, a Co-Pastor of Spirit of Life Worship Center, accompanied Apple Seed Productions for its first podcast episode.

The Apple Seed Podcast’s opening episode discussed the universal impact of the Babylonian’s self-righteous attempt to be amongst God in the heavens. What made the Babylonians’ effort in creating the Tower of Babel sanctimonious is their mutual agreeance to work together and make a name for themselves. Furthermore, the creation of the Tower of Babel was constructed to withstand the next universal flood. God recognized the ambitious but selfish attempt of the Babylonians and impeded on their work with language barriers that later resulted in dispersing the people amongst the Earth.

According to Corrections Manager of the Britannica Encyclopedia, Amy Tikkanennoted that in Hebrew, Babel means to confuse which links to the scripture in Genesis 11:9. The scripture illustrates how God confused language amongst the people of Babylon which emerged the first diaspora. Reverend Print Barnes agreed that the Post Flood Rebellion is not only the origin story of various dialects but created the foundation of multiple nations with different cultures and religions.

“Because of the Tower of Babel myth there is so much confusion, and false personifications on who the savior, Jesus Christ looks like,” said Reverend Barnes. Reverend Barnes also noted that with various representations in cultures on who Jesus Christ is going against one of God’s bylaws, which is expressed in Exodus 20:3, “You shall have no other gods before me.”

Augusta, Georgia (April 19, 2019) Reverend Print Barnes premiered as my first guest on my Apple Seed Podcast discussing the effects of the Post Flood Rebellion.

Even though no one can change the outcome of the past, how can the cultures of this Earth deconstruct and connect to someone they cannot physically see, but expected to give praise and honor to the idea of God without a physical representation of what he appears to be?

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